Montenegro Opposition Parties Accused of Betrayal

Montenegro's main opposition alliance, composed mostly of pro-Serbian parties, said it will launch round-the-clock protests against the new interim government, which is going to be formed next week by the ruling coalition under Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic and four opposition parties - DEMOS, civic movement URA, Socialdemocratic party and Socialist People's Party.

The Democratic Front accused the four parties of making "a pact with Djukanovic", by joining his cabinet, betraying the will of the voters.

"The announced joining of the unauthorized opposition to the cabinet of Milo Djukanovic... legitimizes political corruption and betrays the interests of Montenegrin citizens who want free and fair elections," the alliance said.

After five month of negotiations, Montenegro's ruling and opposition parties agreed to sign an agreement on ensuring free elections and so ending the country' prolonged political crisis.  

Under the terms, the opposition parties - Demos, URA and the Social Democratic Party - will obtain five ministries before the elections and seats on the managing boards of 16 state institutions and six state-owned enterprises as well as representation in financial institutions such as the tax administration at municipal level.

The opposition parties also agreed with Djukanovic's governing Democratic Party of Socialists, DPS, that the Special Prosecution for Organised Crime will probe alleged violations of the electoral law and election fraud.

The Basic Prosecution Office is currently in charge of probing such offences but the opposition doubts its capacity to conduct investigations properly.

After the agreement is signed and submitted to parliament, a special law will be adopted to legally define...

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