PKK land mine facility destroyed in southeastern Turkey

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A land mine production facility built by outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militants in the southeastern province of ??rnak was destroyed by Turkish security forces on April 23, security sources have said, as counter-terrorism operations continue against the PKK, which most recently carried out a bomb attack that killed two soldiers and wounded three others in the southeastern province of Mardin on April 25.

Security forces destroyed the warehouse as part of their operation against PKK militants in the Kure?in Hill area of ??rnak's Uludere district. The attack in Mardin's Nusaybin district, meanwhile, occurred as militants detonated a home-made bomb that was hidden in a trench. 

Meanwhile, the Lice Governor's Office in the southeastern province of Diyarbak?r announced on April 25 that a curfew had been declared a day before in 16 Lice villages. The Mardin Governor's Office also issued a statement, saying that a total of 292 PKK militants had been killed since counter-terrorism operations began in the town on March 14.
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