'Civilian tutelage' and democracy

Anadolu Agency posted a story on the "compassionate slap" threat from the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ). They came across this concept during the FETÖ investigations conducted by the Chief Prosecutor's Office at the Aegean province of Uşak. "From the statements of the detainees, it was determined that especially after the Dec. 17 and Dec. 25 [2013] operations, FETÖ formed a belief mechanism named the 'compassionate slap' to prevent breakaways."

According to this, those who wanted to cut their ties with FETÖ were threatened that they or a person close to them would be "punished by Allah; something bad would happen to them." 

However, FETÖ does not leave it to God to punish the defectors. It was not only a belief mechanism, but more man-made, actually made by FETÖ. It was not a divine warning; it was a human conspiracy. It was a parallel structure mechanism. 

The "compassionate slap" appeared as a "FETÖ slap." The threats that were based on the belief argument were blows dealt with using the power of the state.  

The so-called defectors were soon appalled by the "compassionate" threats coming true. Everybody in this country has heard about their merciless ways. 

In short, it was not only the fear of God they generated, but how a non-God-fearing mechanism would openly turn their lives into hell. They created noteworthy examples then presented them to those they wanted to frighten. Calling this a "compassion slap" without properly defining it could be misleading, which is why I wrote about it. 

Civilian tutelage over the military    

Is it a sign of tutelage that eight civilians and four military members are present on the Supreme Military Council (YAŞ)? According to former Chief of General...

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