Bulgaria Sends Official Request With Five Projects for Aid to EC


Due to the migrant situation on the Bulgarian-Turkish border and the continuing strong migrant pressure, on September 15, the Interior Ministry sent to the European Commission five projects requesting financing under the Emergency Assistance Instrument from the Internal Security Fund and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund, reported the Interior Ministry.

The projects amount to a total of Euro 160 M and are targeted at:

-          Upgrading technical equipment used for border control of Bulgaria's external frontiers

-          Increasing the options for integrated surveillance and modernisation of the communications and information systems on the external borders of Bulgaria

-          Strengthening the national capacity of the Republic of Bulgaria in the asylum and migration field

The assistance requested from the Internal Security Fund is for the provision of specialised equipment and transport vehicles in order to strengthen surveillance capacity and border checks at the external borders, as well as for the modernisation of the already existing communications and information systems.

The measures foreseen for financing from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund are targeted at the detention centres for temporary placement and are aimed at meeting the basic needs of persons looking for international protection, as well as aiding voluntary repatriation.


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