Istanbul Atatürk Airport breaks record with 1,500 takeoffs and landings

Istanbul Atatürk Airport reached all-time high numbers with a total of 1,500 takeoffs and landings on Sept. 18, setting a new record for the airport, Doğan News Agency has reported.

According to a statement by the General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMİ), 236 planes took off and 245 planes landed at the airport on domestic flights on Sept. 18.

Some 513 planes took off and 506 planes landed at the airport on international flights, the statement read.

Accordingly, the total number of takeoffs and landings at the airport reached 1,500 in one day.

In addition, the airport also provided service to a total of 156,941 passengers on the same day, as the number increased to 210,572 with transit passengers.

Sept. 18 marked the last day of the nine-day Eid al-Adha holiday, a time when thousands of Turks traditionally travel to their hometowns to spend time with their families.

The latest record at the airport for total takeoffs and landings was set on Sept. 9, with 1,478 takeoffs and landings.
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