Vucic suspicious over accusations against Dikic

Bratislav Dikic - Photo: Dado DJilas

PROKUPLJE - Serbian PM Aleksandar Vucic on Monday voiced suspicion over accusations of terrorism levelled by Montenegro against a group of 20 Serbian citizens led by former Gendarmerie chief Bratislav Dikic that has been arrested in the country.

"Every day, Mr Dikic expresses views against the Serbian government, but I would like to see and hear real, serious information indicating that he had planned a terrorist act," Vucic told reporters.

Vucic said that, considering other information obtained by Serbian intelligence agencies, he personally did not believe the accusations.

"I wish the arrests of several people from Zubin Potok were not based on statements made by the ethnic Albanian police commander Seljimaj, but I am afraid we have evidence that it is, so I do not think that was a serious reason," Vucic said.

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