BSP Accuses GERB of Pre-Election Pressure


BSP leader Korneliya Ninova has accused GERB of putting pre-election pressure on the opposition.

One of the reasons for this is the indictment of former Energy Minister in the Stanishev Cabinet Petar Dimitrov brought against him by the Prosecutor's Office on Wednesday. The grounds for the indictment include the lack of sufficient control on the part of Dimitrov regarding the signing of the contracts for the Belene nuclear power plant.

The second reason is the harassment of mayors and the administration. Ninova, however, did not present any examples of this.

The third reason is the eviction of staff from the ground floor of the party headquarters at 20 Positano St due to the return of the former owners.

"The fact that, 10 days before the elections, they invade like this is indicative. It won't work, Mr Borisov! You are showing weakness and fear. You will not stop us. On the contrary, you will make us even more ambitious," stated Ninova.


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