Alpha Research: Bulgaria's Referendum To Yield 3 YES Answers, If Declared Valid


Two weeks before the end of the pre-election campaign, every second person interviewed (51%) has stated that they are not familiar with a single campaign act of the candidates for head of state, showed a nationally representative survey of Alfa Research.

A huge majority of people (82%) know that there are presidential elections and a national referendum on November 6. The new requirement of compulsory voting is known by 77% of eligible voters.

Within two weeks, the share of people who say that they will definitely vote for president has increased from 61% to 66%. If these attitudes are maintained, we can expect about 3.7 million voters to take part in the first round of the presidential elections.

With respect to the referendum, voters have expressed the highest approval for a reduction of state subsidies to political parties - 58.8% agreed, while 24.7% were against the reduction.

Regarding the introduction of a majoritarian vote for parliamentary deputies in two rounds, the majority said "yes" (55.1%), rather than "no" (26.2%).

The most paradoxical situation concerns the requirement for compulsory voting - 51.5% said "yes", compared to 32% who said "no".

Despite the slight advantage of the "yes" choice, the majority of people accept the argument "against" - 74% think that voting is a right and should not be imposed as an obligation.

So far as the most solid argument for compulsory voting is concerned - that it will limit the weight of sold and controlled votes - it gained nearly two times less supporters (46%).


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