Montenegro Hosts NATO Exercise Amid Russian Tension

An international military exercise called "Montenegro 2016", involving servicemen and women from the 32 NATO member and partner countries, started in the capital Podgorica on Monday

The consequence management field exercise, organized jointly by the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre, EADRCC, and the Montenegrin Interior Ministry, ends on Friday.

The government said some 680 participants from 32 NATO allied and partner countries will take part, including Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosnia, Croatia, Finland, Macedonia, Romania, Georgia, Israel, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine and the US.

The scenario for the field exercise will focus on a response to floods and chemical incidents, which will also affect the civil population and critical infrastructure in the exercise area located in and around the municipality of Niksic.

NATO's Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations, John Manz, said such exercises enable allies and partners to work together and to learn from each other.

"It is based on the comradeship of the many men and women who are called to work together in times of need. People from different countries, different cultures and different ways of life working together as one," he said.

Montenegro's Deputy Prime Minister - and likely Prime Minister-Designate - Dusko Markovic, called it "a big moment for Montenegro", proving once again that the small Adriatic country is ready to be a member of the Western alliance.

"In a couple of months, Montenegro expects to formalise its [NATO] membership and this visit by senior officials will be an opportunity to talk about what is expected of Montenegro in that period," Markovic said.

The NATO exercise takes...

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