Gov't tables plan over additional incentives for plastic money use

The government's plan for a long-awaited bill on incentives to encourage Greeks to use credit or debit cards includes an additional tax-free amount for taxpayers who use them for more than 80 percent of their annual expenditure, tax discounts for medical expenses paid by card, and new limits for electronic transactions between corporations.

The plan has been submitted to the country's creditors but has not yet received their approval. It has 12 main points:

- Whether a taxpayer qualifies for a tax-free threshold of 1,900-2,100 euros depends on how much their payments by card come to as a percentage of all spending.

- Medical expenses paid with cards qualify for a tax discount.

- Additional tax-free amount for those who use cards for more than 80 percent of their total spending.

- Taxpayers who spend over a certain amount using cards or other electronic...

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