When reason does not work

For decades, I have been a believer in human reason. By that, I don't mean that I have been a hardcore French rationalist who thinks that we can find all truths through reason. But still I thought that through reason we can begin to understand the world we are living in, analyze our issues, and discuss our problems. I particularly hoped that you can "reason with" people, by putting forward your arguments and listening to theirs. 

In the past couple of years, however, my optimism about human nature has gone down on various aspects, including on the strength of reason. I have come to realize that for a lot of people, reason does not mean anything. Or, more precisely, what they put out as "reason" is not something I am familiar with.

How did I come to understand this? Well, through experience. (So I take off my hat to empiricism, which is apparently right to suggest that wisdom comes from experience, not rational speculation.) 

The experience I am talking about took place mostly on social media, which is the only free platform left in the Turkish mediasphere - at least at times when it is not shut down by our gracious, loving, caring government. In hundreds of cases, I have written articles or short notes explaining why I disagree with a certain political or cultural trend in the country. In return, I naively expected that people who disagree with me would offer their arguments, defend their views, or at least show where I was wrong. 

However, in reality, the overwhelming majority of the responses have been different in nature, with crude ad hominem lines such as the following:

-"F*ck you, son of a b*tch!"
-"You traitor! They should jail you as well!"
-"You will not be able to fool this nation anymore with your lies."...

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