Erdogan: We can flood Europe with 3 million refugees

Turkish President Recep Erdogan doubled down on the threats issued Thursday by Turkish PM Binali Yildirim that his country would open the gates to immigrants into Europe in response to an EP resolution suspending Turkey’s EU accession talks. Speaking to Turkish female ogranjsations, Erdogan warned the European leaders to not threaten pressure his country. “If you press forward more with your decisions, the floodgates of the borders will open”, he said. “We have 3 million refugees in our territory, we have provided 15 billion euros and Europe has not fulfilled its promises”, Erdogan claimed. Adopting an acrimonious tone, he underlined that neither he or his people would be intimated by the EP resolution. “We will not be influenced by the these clear threats. I do not care whether every single one of you (MEPs) votes ‘yes’ to the resolution”. “If you move ahead the borders will open. Do you hear me? Put that through your heads”, the Turkish President said. The European Parliament passed a non-binding resolution calling for a halt in Turkey’s EU accession negotiations until Erdogan stopped his crackdown on dissenting voices and violation of the freedom of press human rights.

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