Iran answers to Turkey’s criticism over Syria truce violations


Iran characterized Turkey’s accusations against Tehran regarding the truce violations as “unconstructive”.


Iran is instead blaming the rebel forces for breaking the ceasefire agreement.


Foreign ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi said Wednesday that, Turkey “should take necessary measures to deal with several instances of ceasefire violation by these groups and at the same time refrain from taking unreal stances and accusing other parties.”


The statement was responding to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, who accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government of violating the ceasefire Ankara brokered with Moscow last week.


Cavusoglu warned that these violations were jeopardizing the planned peace talks in Astana, Kazakhstan.


If the truce does not collapse, the meeting is planned for January 23rd and preparations have started on both sides and Iranian top official Alaeddin Boroujerdi was in Damascus on Wednesday for talks with Assad.


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