47 ISIL militants 'neutralized' in northern Syria

A total of 47 Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants were "neutralized" in the last 24 hours as part of the Euphrates Shield operation in northern Syria, the military announced on Feb. 3.      

Turkish authorities use the word "neutralized" to refer to militants who are killed, wounded or otherwise incapacitated.      

The Turkish Armed Forces also hit 135 ISIL targets in northern Syria, the General Staff said in a statement to mark the operation's 164th day.      

Turkish jets destroyed 64 targets, including 45 buildings, three bomb-laden vehicles and five headquarters used by the militants in the region around al-Bab.      

The Euphrates Shield operation began in late August 2016, to tighten border security, eliminate terror threats along Turkey's borders and support opposition forces in Syria. The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is backed by Turkish forces as part of the operation.  
FSA fighters have been concentrating on taking the ISIL-held town of al-Bab, 40 kilometers northeast of Aleppo.

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