Nikolic lays wreath at Monument to Unknown Hero

BELGRADE - Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic on Wednesday laid a wreath at the Monument to the Unknown Hero on Mt Avala near Belgrade to mark Serbia's Statehood Day.

"Today is February 15, 2017. Serbia is a peaceful and free country. We are not rich, but we are slowly rising. We are pursuing our own policy independently, we have many friends around the world. We are militarily neutral. Serbia lived after you and will also live after us. Always for new children," Nikolic wrote in the memorial book.

Gojkovic: Fight for more successful Serbia most significant

OPLENAC - Only a stable, diligent and strong Serbia can defend its national interests, Parliament Speaker Maja Gojkovic said at Wednesday's state ceremony in St George's Church at Oplenac, near Topola, central Serbia, that marked Serbia's Statehood Day.

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