Report on Inspections of Public Procurement Orders Not To Be Made Public


The report from the inspection of the ministries carried out by the interim government will not become public. The extended version of the report was published on Monday but, in fact, it repeats the statement of interim PM Ognyan Gerdzhikov from last week and does not even present a general picture of suspicious practices during the implementation of public procurement orders.

The report does not include all public procurement orders checked by National Financial Inspection Agency and the Prosecutor's Office and, thus, even if irregularities are established, these will not be published, reported Mediapool.

The repairs of the Hemus and Trakia highways and the public procurement order for a toll system which was halted on several occasions are among the few actual orders mentioned in the report.

The document gives three recommendations for improving the procedures for the implementation of public procurement orders: increasing the expert capacity of employees, introducing a centralised web platform and considering amendments to the Public Procurement Act and the Law on the Protection of Competition.

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