Ecuador: Presidential Runoff Vote Between Moreno and Lasso on April 2

QUITO, Ecuador - After several days of suspense, the National Electoral Council (CNE) of Ecuador announced that Lenín Moreno of Rafael Correa's left-wing Alianza PAIS coalition failed to win the presidential election outright in the first round by the narrowest of margins and will face Guillermo Lasso in the runoff vote on April 2.

Barred from running for the presidency again due to term limits, the outgoing and highly popular Rafael Correa, whose supporters easily collected enough signatures to hold a constitutional amendment referendum to allow Correa to run again, threw his backing behind Moreno.

Correa, like many observers and pollsters, believed that Moreno had enough momentum to defeat all challengers in the first round.

Juan Pablo Pozo, the head of the CNE, however, announced that there was no clear winner in the first round after several days of tense...

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