Sex Pistols’ Johnny Rotten backs Brexit, Farage, Trump

Sex Pistols singer Johnny Rotten backed Brexit and called former UKIP leader Nigel Farage “fantastic” in a TV interview Monday.

“The working class have spoken and I’m one of them and I’m with them,” Rotten said on ITV’s Good Morning Britain.

He said that after Farage’s encounter with Bob Geldof before the Brexit vote — when the two led opposing flotillas along the Thames, shouting insults at each other — “I wanted to shake his hand because it was silly beyond belief.”

The “Pretty Vacant” singer was also asked about U.S. President Donald Trump and said he was a “complicated fellow” but blamed the “left-wing media” for dubbing Trump racist.

“One journalist once said to me, ‘is he the political Sex Pistol?’ In a way,” Rotten — real name John Lydon — said.

“There are many, many problems with him as a human being but he’s not that [racist] and there just might be a chance something good will come out of that situation because he terrifies politicians.”

He added: “This is a joy to behold for me. Dare I say, [Trump could be] a possible friend.”


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