Men wearing earrings

The head of the Directorate of Religious Affairs (Diyanet), Professor Mehmet Görmez, said this during an on-the-job training session for religious officials: "Our young people are saying, 'Nobody should have prejudices against us because of our lifestyles; they should not sneer when they see my earring, when they see my goatee and my hair tied at the back. They should not judge me.' I have told you before; do not be get caught up with young people's earrings or their tattoos. I will continue to say so. Don't focus on the style; go for the essence and spirit, go to the hearts."

However, over two years ago, one of the fatwas of the Diyanet read: "Islamic scholars have evaluated that men wearing women's accessories, such as earrings, were revolting, meaning they are almost forbidden by religion," (Jan. 15, 2015).

How would one go about interpreting this now? 

It is not up to me to deliver an opinion on religious topics, but in terms of history and sociology, this fact is important: The Islamic scholars referred to in the fatwa are the great scholars in history. They made this interpretation at such a time in history when the differences between men and women were very important.  
In "our times" though, when the concepts of the equality of the genders and individual freedom are advanced, Professor Görmez speaks differently. 

The need for a renaissance in religious thought is frequently mentioned; here is an example of this. 

Professor Görmez is focusing on a field where God has given permission; it is related to the concept of "freedom."

"If you narrow the fields that God has granted permission, those that were left up to humans themselves, their customs, their conscience, then you would make religion unlivable…...

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