70mln yo dinosaur eggs with embryos inside unearthed in Argentina

Archaeologists in Argentina have announced the discovery of several dinosaur eggs - believed to be nearly 70 million years old and with the remainders of its embryos.

The eggs were found several years ago at a site called Auca Mahuevo in the southern region of Patagonia by a shepherd, but the find was only made public this week by local Cultural Heritage Director, Claudia Della Negra, Argentina's Telam news outlet reported.

"Auca Mahuevo is a site where dinosaur eggs appear in nests along with the remains of the animals that ate them," Della Negra explained.

This is not the first time the site yielded such a pleasant surprise, as in 1997, similar eggs were located there.

The official added that Argentinian authorities are planning to create a paleontological park in the area which would be visited by tourists. "The priority, however, is to...

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