Bulgarian Bikers Join Putin's 'Wolves' on Soviet Ride

The Bulgarian 'wolves' will depart on May 1 from the Soviet military monument in Sofia to join the tour, which follows the steps of the Red Army during WWII, the president of the Sofia Night Wolves Club, Dencho Zlatanov, said at a press conference on Thursday.

They will visit landmark WWII sights before joining Russian, Polish and Slovak bikers in Bratislava, to head to the German capital Berlin, where the 'Wolves' will celebrate the 72th anniversary of the Red Army's victory over Nazi Germany on May 9.

"Our aim is to follow the route of the Soviet Army, to honour the heroes who were killed and to demonstrate to the youngsters that such a war existed," Zlatanov said.

In 2016, bikers from the Night Wolves - known for their close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin - passed through several Bulgarian cities as a part of their 'Slavic World 2016' tour, sparking much controversy, but this year the Russian bikers will not visit Bulgaria.

Their 2016 visit drew mixed reactions in Bulgaria, with some fearing that the initiative was a Kremlin provocation.

Clashes between supporters and opponents of the controversial bikers broke out in Bulgaria's coastal city of Burgas and in the capital, Sofia.

The group gained notoriety after participating in Russia's annexation of the Crimea region from Ukraine, patrolling the streets of the Crimean city of Sevastopol. Some gang members have also joined pro-Russian militant groups in the east of Ukraine.

Zlatanov explained that what he likes about the Russian bikers is that they are "champions of the Orthodox Christian Religion, true believers".

"From the old times, Bulgarian have felt love for Russia and the Russians. We have been connected for centuries and will be for centuries," he...

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