The crime of reporting the president's vacation

It was May 7, 2004, and Justice and Development Party (AK Party) Justice Minister Cemil Çiçek was at the podium in parliament, saying: "These amendments are a milestone in the history of the Republic of Turkey. They will hopefully further institutionalize our democracy, and our rights and freedoms will reach a more advanced point with these amendments." 

The head of the Parliamentary Constitutional Committee, Professor Burhan Kuzu, said from the same podium, "The package looks small but there are truly important matters in it." 

What Çiçek called a "milestone" and what Kuzu said was "small but important" was the package that changed, for the ninth time, the 1982 Constitution. The package abolished the State Security Courts (DGM) and the death penalty and became the key that helped crack open the door for full membership talks with the European Union. 

In the seventh article of the package, this was added to the last paragraph of Article 90 of the 1982 Constitution: "In case of conflicts between international agreements duly put into effect regarding basic rights and freedoms and domestic laws, due to different provisions on the same issue, the provisions of international treaties shall prevail."

In other words, the international agreements signed by Turkey were deemed superior to domestic law. For instance, European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) practices became Turkish judicial practices.
In his speech, Çiçek thanked all the political parties that had deputies in the parliament and independent deputies because the amendments were passed almost unanimously.  
It has been 13 years and 23 days since. Article 90 is still valid in Turkey. In other words, Article 10 of European Convention on Human Rights that...

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