Anger as Trump announces US withdrawal from global climate deal

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President Donald Trump announced on June 1 that the United States is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, prompting a furious global backlash and throwing efforts to slow global warming into doubt.

In a sharply nationalistic address from the White House Rose Garden, Trump announced his administration would immediately stop implementing the "bad" 195-nation accord.
"I cannot, in good conscience, support a deal that punishes the United States," he said, decrying the "draconian financial and economic burdens the agreement imposes on our country."  

Trump repeatedly painted the pact -- struck by his predecessor Barack Obama -- as a deal that failed to "put America first" and was too lenient on economic rivals China, India and Europe.    

"I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris," he said.

"We don't want other leaders and other countries laughing at us anymore. And they won't be."  

Trump offered no details about how, or when, a formal withdrawal would happen, and at one point suggested a renegotiation could take place.    

"We're getting out but we'll start to negotiate and we will see if we can make a deal that's fair. And if we can, that's great. And if we can't, that's fine," he said.
That idea was unceremoniously slapped down by furious allies in Europe, who joined figures from around the United States and the world in condemning the move.
"The agreement cannot be renegotiated," France, Germany and Italy said in a joint statement.
The United States is the world's second largest greenhouse gas emitter after China, so Trump's decision could seriously hamper efforts to cut emissions and limit global temperature increases.

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