The Prisoner In His Palace

"Once, my son, Uday, fired indiscriminately at a party and killed many people. I burned his Rolls-Royces, Ferraris and Porsches after the incident," the former Iraqi emperor told his guards. When the American soldiers captured him on December 13, 2003, he said: "I'm Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi President."

Saddam was convicted of charges of crimes against humanity related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites and was hanged on December 30, 2006 at the age of 69. He spent last six months of his life in a Baghdad jail. Saddam, who ruled Iraq for three decades, was under the surveillance of a group of American soldiers from the 551st Military Police Company. They called themselves 'The Super Twelve'. Will Bardenwerper was one of them.

Bardenwerper recently penned a book, titled: 'The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and What History Leaves...

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