Menidi residents clash with police, demand crime crackdown

The killing of an 11-year-old boy by a stray bullet last week and the tensions stoked by the incident in one of Attica's most downgraded districts, have prompted local authorities in Menidi to increase demands for more policing and specifically for a new police station near the school where they boy died.

The municipal authority has chartered 20 buses to carry protesters on Tuesday from the area to the Citizens' Protection Ministry on Kanellopoulou Street, a major artery near central Athens, where they are to stage a rally.

Protesters want the government to implement measures promised in May 2015 by then minister Yiannis Panousis during a visit to the school after it was badly looted and vandalized.

The upheaval came after violence erupted for a third day in a row as residents blaming Roma neighbors for the shooting clashed with police.

Dozens of protesters...

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