Mostly Sunny, Max Temperatures 28°-33°, in Sofia 29°
Today the weather will be mostly sunny, with clouds in the afternoon. Rains with thunders are expected to fall in some areas in the evening and during the night. There will be light to moderate northwestern wind.
Maximum temperatures will stand at between 28° and 33°, in Sofia 29°. This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), according to FOCUS News Agency.
Atmospheric pressure is close to the average for June and will remain nearly unchanged.
Conditions for tourism on the mountains are good, with the exception of the ridge of Balkan Mountain, according to the Red Cross' Mountain Rescue Service (MRS).
The weather is nice and sunny in most places. However, there is strong wind, fog and changing clouds оn the Balkan Mountain. MRS advises tourists to avoid going there.
No accidents were registered in the last 24 hours.
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