Main opposition CHP's march from Ankara to Istanbul is 'not legal,' Erdoğan says

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has indicated the possibility of legal action against the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) for commencing a "justice march" from the Turkish capital Ankara to Istanbul. 

"It is not right [for the CHP] to initiate such a march … If the justice system also invites you to visit some places, don't be surprised," Erdoğan said in a speech at a general session of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM) on June 17.

"If we and our NGOs do not respect the separation of powers, we will get nowhere. If you have something to say on that issue you can say it. But if you try to be an element of oppression, do not forget that the 138th article [judicial independence] does not only apply to politicians but also applies to everyone from A to Z. Don't be surprised if the judiciary invites you somewhere too," he added.

The president also stated that calling on citizens to "take to the streets while disregarding the constitution" benefited neither the CHP nor Turkey.

"Wandering around with 'justice' placards does not bring justice. If you want to seek justice, then the place in Turkey to find justice is the parliament," he said.

In a speech later in the day, Erdoğan also likened the CHP's march to the activities of July 2016 coup plotters, vowing that the government would not allow blocking of roads or similar actions during the march.

"What difference do you have from [the coup plotters] on July 15? They had F-16s in their hands and they were attacking with helicopters and tanks. You are now marching on the roads and resting at night. But if you try to say 'We will also occupy the TEM or E-5 [highways]' then the situation becomes the same as July 15 and of course we do not have the luxury to...

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