Greece's market return may be imminent: bankers, investors

Greece could return to financial markets in the next few weeks, investors and bankers close to the discussions told Reuters, raising private cash that would mark an important step towards ending its dependence on official funding next year.

Athens' largest creditor, the European Stability Mechanism, said on Monday that Greece should develop a strategy to end a three-year exile from markets before its current bailout program expires in mid-2018.

Greek finance minister Euclid Tsakalotos met with investors in London last month and one of those funds, BlueBay Asset Management, said the volume of calls they are receiving from bankers about a potential deal suggest it's very close.

"Over the last few months we would get one call on this every couple of weeks (from bankers), but over the last 10 days it seems to be every day I'm getting a call asking about this...

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