Trump Downplays Differences with France on Climate Change

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The US president, Donald Trump, has begun a visit to Paris, greeted with military fanfare as the French leader, Emmanuel Macron, showed him Napoleon's tomb before they held talks on Syria and counter-terrorism, according to the Guardian.

The two leaders appeared keen to set aside their differences on climate change as they asserted their intention to work together on Syria and other matters.

Standing alongside Macron at a news conference, Trump said that the two countries have had "occasional disagreements" but that would not disrupt a friendship that dates back to the American Revolution.

He was non-committal on the possibility of the US rejoining the Paris climate agreement, telling Macron: "If it happens that will be wonderful, and if it doesn't that will be OK too."

Macron acknowledged the two leaders' differences on the climate pact but said they would find other areas of cooperation. "Should that have an impact on the discussions we're having on all other topics? No, absolutely not," he said.

After landing in Paris early on Thursday morning, Trump began his visit by honouring American first world war veterans in a ceremony at the US embassy to mark 100 years since the US joined the conflict, while Macron was engaged in a separate meeting with the German chancellor, Angela Merkel.

The US president then arrived at the vast, historic military complex at Les Invalides, built by the Sun King Louis XIV, where he was met with a large French army reception and joined Macron in inspecting the troops.

Trump will spend 24 hours in Paris, as a guest of honour at Friday's Bastille day celebrations.

The two leaders spent more than an hour at the Élysée Palace in talks where the key topics included...

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