The Holy Remains of St. Panteleimon Will be in Sofia Until August 1st


Hundreds of people queued in order to bow before the holy remains of St. Panteleimon at the Sv. Nedelya Church downtown Sofia.

An archbishop liturgy was served at the temple by Melnik Bishop Gerasim and in the presence of Patriarch Neophyte.

The head of the saint has so fat left the boundaries of Mount Athos in Greece only four times - for pilgrimages in Constantinople, Walachia, Russia and now in Bulgaria.

The head is believed to possess healing powers.

Today is the last day in which the citizens of Sofia will have the opportunity to see the relics of  St. Panteleimon. They will be transferred to the Russian temple "St. Nikolay "on Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd at 10.00 am. His Holiness the Bulgarian Patriarch and Sofia Metropolitan Neophyte will meet them in the temple and prayerfully take part in the Holy Liturgy.

In the morning of August 1, an early liturgy will be held at the Russian Temple, which will start at 6.30 am and all eligible Orthodox Christians can participate. At 8.00am the holy ones will leave for Vratsa.

There are many temples and monasteries in the world that possess particles from the relics of one of the most beloved and revered saints, the Panteleimon healer. It is remarkable that the skin of head of the saint, which is now brought to Bulgaria, is with normal temperature of human living body - 36.6 degrees. St. Panteleimon died because of his Christian faith in 350, nearly 1667 years ago!

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