20 Thousand People Sought Help at Pirogov Hospital just for July

Source: Novinite.bg

20,000 people went through Pirogov in one of the two holiday months - July. 3340 patients had to remain treated, the University Emergency Hospital reported. For July, the uninsured people that sought help were 900 people. For the last day, 680 passed through the hospital, of which 32 without health insurance. 166 were admitted for hospital treatment. Reports BGNES.

Today, the campaign "Second opinion on post-traumatic injuries after trauma" started. An increase in the incidence of post-traumatic complications following trauma, this tendency is observed by the Pirogov orthopedic traumatologists. That is why throughout the month of August Prof. Asen Baltov, Prof. Dian Enchev and Assoc. Prof. Mihail Rashkov and their teams from the University Hospital will carry out prophylactic examinations. During the Campaign "Second Opinion on post-traumatic complications after trauma", specialists can be approached for examinations and consultations for people whose problems do not disappear despite an operative or non-operative treatment. For this purpose, patients should be enrolled in advance.

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