Bulgarian Lyuba Lukova Creates Unique Graphic Design Creations in Atlanta Design Museum

The MODA exhibition "Luba Lukova: Designing Justice" focuses on political and social issue posters designed by the New York artist. CONTRIBUTED BY ANDRIA LAVINE PHOTOGRAPHY/ www.myajc.com

The Bulgarian-born and New York-based artist Luba Lukova is one of those artists, whose career creating political and social-issue messages is documented in the 60 works featured in the Museum of Design Atlanta exhibition "Luba Lukova: Designing Justice."

Lukova has created posters for a variety of causes, from the micro (Greek resentment of the recent influx of immigrants to the country) to the macro (world peace, abortion rights and critiques of genetic modification). She has designed posters for experimental theater companies La MaMa and the Living Theatre and to accompany a Hillary Clinton op-ed in The New York Times.

The images themselves have a minimalist and mildly surreal cast that can feel very familiar from Eastern European film and art of the 1960s, unsurprising considering Lukova's Bulgarian origins. Lukova cross-pollinates her native aesthetics and experience growing up in the propaganda-saturated Communist bloc with a debt to Picasso and German expressionism that often aligns her with other politically minded activist-artists like the animal rights advocate Sue Coe.

Lukova's pared-back color palette and graphic simplicity also feel reminiscent of stencil-based street art, which works by similar means, to grab attention quickly and stop you in your tracks with easily digestible graphics and a strong message. Many of the works feature just one or two colors and black-and-white graphics so there is very little to interfere with the poster's political thrust.
Lukova doesn't always hit her mark: The image "Sudan" of a starving Sudanese man whose mouth opens to reveal a food nutrition label makes a juxtaposition of hunger and Western dieting and food restriction, but that parallel feels false and unfair. Other works have a...

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