Dacic: Holbrook told Milosevic that US "will never recognize Kosovo"

Richard Holbrooke

Ivica Dacic seems to be in charge of making waves these days - after the Kosovo "delimitation" proposal, he has spoken about "Holbrooke's Kosovo letter."

The Serbian foreign minister and first deputy prime minister spoke for the tabloid Srpski Telegraf, to recall that no state body in the country is in possession of the original copy of the Dayton Agreement - the peace accord that in 1995 ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Dacic then pointed out to another missing document - late US diplomat Richard Holbrooke's letter allegedly sent to late Serbian and Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic, in which Holbrooke stated that the United States "will never recognize Kosovo," and "signed it."

"They all feign ignorance when I ask, but it's unthinkable that Serbia would not have a copy of the Dayton Agreement. All Milosevic's aides claim, his...

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