Painted Hives: "Being a leader on environmental initiatives makes sense for Slovenia"

Painted Hives: "Being a leader on environmental initiatives makes sense for Slovenia"

Book Synopsis:

At 19 years old, Wilber Jansen had never been on a plane, let alone left the country, and he had certainly never been interested in bees. When he decides to enroll in a beekeeping class, in Slovenia, he knows it will be a shock for his family and friends. Of course, he can't tell them that the real reason he's going because they would think he was crazy. He had been dreaming about a Slovenian vineyard since he was 13 and there was always a certain beautiful girl at the vineyard. To think that he may actually find the vineyard and the girl if he went to Slovenia... well, that would be a bit out there. Or would it?


What is the main message of the book?

"The main message of the book is that a dream doesn't need to come true for it to be worth pursuing. In fact, sometimes it is...

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