Ex-Golden Dawn cadre dishes dirt on party's political goals

The criminal trial against the leadership and members of neo-Nazi Golden Dawn continued on Friday at an Athens court with the testimony of a former official of the party who provided judges with an insight into its operation and aims.

According to Ilias Stavrou, a lawyer and former cadre of GD who left the party shortly after its leadership was arrested in September 2013, the party operated according to a strict Nazi-inspired ideology and "had as its aim the installation of a one-party state and the abolition of any form of parliamentary procedures."

Stavrou underlined the absolute authority of GD leader Nikos Michaloliakos, noting that all attacks by members of GD against migrants or critics were carried out on orders from him or his direct subordinates.

As regards the operation of the neo-Nazi group, Stavrou said its top officials "tried to infiltrate...

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