Trump's visit - Serbia's surrender, or change in US policy?

Since the break-up of Yugoslavia no US president has visited Belgrade, and the president of Serbia expects Donald Trump to come here next year.

After Russian, Chinese and numerous European leaders, Serbia could thus soon host the US president.
"It would quite certainly be a historic visit, as he would be the first US president to come to Serbia," said Aleksandra Joksimovic from the Center for Foreign Policy.

In 1980, US President Jimmy Carter was on an official visit to Serbia - at that time a part of Yugoslavia.
"Top French officials and US presidents don't go on protocol visits, instead it is always the crown of a process, or, as in the case of Serbia, a recognition of what it is doing to maintain stability in the region," says Vladimir Vuletic, a sociologist.

By the end of the year, Belgrade will host the Turkish president, in early 2018, the French -...

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