Key Meeting for Bedechka Park will Take Place in Stara Zagora

Source: Wikipedia

A key meeting of the municipal council in Stara Zagora about the fate of Bedechka Park will be held today. The council will discuss a change to the City's Master Plan in the area, reports Sega. 

Several proposals have been submitted for consideration, the best in view of preserving the trees and the rest of the vegetation is that of Mayor Zhivko Todorov.

However, even his proposal envisages construction of buildings in the southern zone of the park for which there are investor interests. For the fate of Bedechka in the summer, a local referendum was held that failed to collect the voter turnout. However, the majority voted in favor of preserving the park and Todorov promised to comply with their will. Prime Minister Borisov made a "plan" for the salvation of the green territory. Later it became clear that still a part of it would be assigned to construction. Much of the grounds in Bedechka were restituted after the democratic changes.

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