NASA Warms to Possibility of Mysterious Planet X

NASA now says there is growing evidence for the existence of the mysterious Planet Nine, also known as Planet X and often associated with the doomsday planet Nibiru.
Planet Nine seems to be out there, lurking invisible in the darkest outskirts of the solar system, according to a recent press release by NASA.

The existence of the mysterious planet has been the subject of debate for years, until two American astronomers, Konstantin Batygin and Michael Brown, began their quest to prove the planet nonexistent once and for all. Ironically, instead, they found evidence that the planet exists.

Since their initial 2016 paper on the issue, the evidence has just kept coming.

Batygin's graduate student, Elizabeth Bailey, has published another paper claiming that Planet Nine might be the reason our planets are tilted about 6 degrees relative to the sun's equator. Planet...

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