Mitsotakis calls on Tsipras to make full use of trip to US

Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the leader of the main conservative opposition New Democracy, called on Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to fully utilize the opportunities presented during his official trip to the US.

"The prime minister's visit to the USA comes at a particularly beneficial time for our country as, despite the very serious problems we face on the domestic level due to the irresponsible choices of the government, Greece remains an islet of stability in the southeastern Mediterranean which is being tested by major upheaval."

He added that the current state of affairs, combined with the major problems currently rocking US ties with Turkey, "essentially upgrades the negotiating stance of our country."

In view of all this, Mitsotakis noted, Tsipras has a unique opportunity to secure a long-term agreement for Souda Bay that boosts Greece's defense agreement with the...

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