NIMH: Rainy Today, with Maximum Temperatures Between 8°C and 13°C

 Today will be mostly cloudy and rainy. During the day, substantial rain will be likely, mostly in southeastern Bulgaria. In the afternoon, in northern Bulgaria the rain will stop, and by the end of the day the clouds will break. There will be moderate, and in the eastern regions temporarily strong, northeast wind. The atmospheric pressure will rise and will be higher than the average for October. Temperatures will drop further and the maximum will be between 8°C and 13°C.

This is the weather forecast as reported to FOCUS News Agency by the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH) with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The Black Sea Coast will be cloudy, rainy and windy. In some places, mainly along the southern coast, rain will be substantial. There will be strong north-northeast wind. Maximum air temperatures from 10°C to 15°C. Sea water temperature is 18°C.

The mountains will be cloudy and foggy with rains in many places, snow over 1,700 m. There will be strong wind from east-northeast. Maximum temperature at 1,200 m will be around 7°C, at 2,000 m - about 1°C.

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