Anna Korakaki named Role Model Athlete by IOC for 2018 Youth Olympics

Rio 2016 shooting gold medalist Anna Korakaki was among the 50 athletes named Role Models (ARMs) for the Buenos Aires 2018 Youth Olympic Games. The Greek Olympic gold medalist was selected by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The ARMs will be accessible to the athletes in the Youth Olympic Village and during “Chat with Champions” sessions – a Q&A format to promote discussion with the young athletes. The ARMs will also lead a series of educational activities and workshops within the IOC’s Learn & Share Program that will focus on skills and professional development, Olympism and how to lead healthy lifestyles.
The ARMs will be accessible to the 3,998 athletes in the Youth Olympic Village and during “Chat with Champions” sessions – a Q&A format to promote discussion with the young athletes. The ARMs will also lead a series of educational activities and workshops within the IOC’s Learn & Share Program that will focus on skills and professional development, Olympism and how to lead healthy lifestyles.

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