Crazy medieval weapons! (photos-video)

You will not believe some of the most insane medieval weapons people have created throughout history. Although it seems to be a rule that the insanity of warfare only increases with time, even hundreds of years ago people were already fairly creative at finding new and improved ways of killing one another. These are the 25 most insane medieval weapons ever used to dish out destruction.

1. Broadsword

Often used by knights and cavalry, broadswords could slice off an enemy’s limbs effortlessly.

2. War Hammer

With the advent of chain mail and other types of armor, swords gave way to hammers and other blunt force type weapons.
3. Battering Ram

Still used by police today, battering rams were medieval siege weapons that started out as huge logs used by a large group of people to literally ram a door down…oftentimes with boiling oil being poured on their heads.
4. Hellburner

It’s basically a suicidally explosive fireship.
5. Mancatcher

Typically used to pull people down from horseback it was often used to capture royals for a ransom.
6. Claw of Archimedes

Designed to protect the Carthaginian city of Syracuse, whenever a Roman ship got too close it would lift it up and tip it over.
7. Shuriken

While Europe was busy stabbing, slicing, and beating itself to death; the Japanese preferred small, silent and extremely lethal forms of inflicting injury.
8. Flaming Arrows

Although they may not seem that impressive, having a dozen flaming arrows come flying your way does not make for a fun day.
9. Dead Bodies

You’re probably wondering, “Why am I looking at a picture of a river and a castle? Where are the dead bodies?” Well, that’s where they put them…into the river. Rather than climbing over the castle walls, enemies would just dump diseases into the water supply.
10. Lantern Shield

Basically the swiss army knife of medieval weapons, it had numerous little blades, serrations, and other dangerous outcroppings attached to it.


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