Windows to Our Planet | Athens | November 22-25

The 14th annual Ecological Film Panorama is taking place on November 22-25, organized by Elliniki Etairia (the Hellenic Society for the Environment and Cultural Heritage) and the Greek Film Archive Foundation. Screenings, many of which will be followed by a discussion, will take place at the Film Archive on November 22 and 23 (where ticket prices are 4 euros per screening or 7 euros for an all-day pass) and at the Hellenic Society premises on November 24 and 25 (with a voluntary donation of 6 euros). The full schedule can be found at

Greek Film Archive, 48 Iera Odos, Kerameikos,
tel 210.360.9695;
Hellenic Society, 28 Tripodon, Plaka,
tel 210.322.5245

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