#MeToo is "Personality of the Year" According to Time Magazine

The Social Movement to Combat Sexual Abuse #MeToo was chosen to be the winner of this year's award of Time magazine "Personality of the Year".

This is the choice of editors of the magazine. Recognition comes after a wave of public accusations of sexual harassment against some of the most famous men in American politics, showbiz and media. This has led to many redundancies and investigations.

#MeToo appeared after many stories of sexual assault in Hollywood, which began with the rebuke of Harvey Weinstein. Actress Alicia Milano then announced the hashtag, urging women all over the world to share their stories of being sexually assaulted.

"These women and men who have broken the silence are of all races, of all classes, of all professions and from all over the world.It can work in the fields of California or behind the reception at the Plaza Hotel in New York, or in the European Parliament, they are part of a movement that has no formal name, but now they have a voice, "they write from Time.

Among the nominees were US President Donald Trump, Chinese leader Xi Jingping, North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, and Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman. This year there were no European in the ranking.

Yesterday, the choice of readers was announced. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al-Saud won with 24% of the votes of readers. Second place was #MeToo with 6%.

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