Chile: Left-Wing Broad Front Lets "Followers Decide" on Guillier

SANTIAGO, Chile - The left-wing Broad Front coalition, a new group of parties whose candidate finished in a surprising third place in last month's election, said they will let their followers decide individually whether to throw their votes behind Alejandro Guillier, the left-leaning candidate facing conservative Sebastián Piñera in the run-off.

On November 19, former leader Sebastián Piñera won the first round of the presidential election in Chile but now faces an uphill battle as the fractured center-left looked to unite and prevent him from returning to the Moneda presidential palace.

With no internal competition and a fractured camp on the other side of the ideological spectrum, Piñera has consistently held the lead in the presidential polls before the election and as expected, he finished in first place.

What was unexpected, however, was the margin of victory...

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