Robert Dilts | Athens | February 7 & 8

Acclaimed business consultant and expert on Genius Thinking Robert Dilts will be in Athens for two days as part of his world tour, for a signature class on the Success Factor Modeling (SFM) process. At the interactive event hosted by Athens Concert Hall on February 7 and 8, Dilts will present the critical factors that have enabled the likes of Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos to become the entrepreneurial forces they are today. Participants will learn about the mechanics of the game-changer mind-set and identify essential elements, explore their own critical and defining qualities, synthesize them to generativity and innovative thinking, and create the conditions necessary to accelerate in a fast-moving world. The signature class event is organized under the auspices of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce. For details and participation, contact Yanis Athanasopoulos at i...

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