The Floods in Europe will Increase

Floods such as those in France over the last few days will increase in Europe as a result of climate warming, even if it is limited to raising temperatures by 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to research findings quoted by AFP.

Scientists studied three scenarios where temperatures rising between 1.5 and 3 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial age. Under the most optimistic scenario, the damage caused by river spillover across Europe will increase more than twice and will reach about € 15 billion a year. The number of people affected by floods will increase by 80% - about 650,000 people per year.

However, if temperatures rise by 3 degrees Celsius, damage will grow by 145% and will reach about 17 billion euros per year.

The Paris climate agreement of 2015 aims to keep temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius higher like the pre-industrial age and even to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Those who signed the agreement have committed themselves to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. But on the basis of these commitments, the world continues to focus on raising temperatures by 3 degrees Celsius. The rise in temperatures by 1 degree Celsius led to a decrease in ice cover, an increase in the average ocean level and more rainfall.

Hotter air contains more moisture, which is then released in the form of rain and snow.

Floods are already among the most damaging natural disasters in Europe.

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