Calls for Reunion With Romania Anger Moldova President

Moldova's Pro-Russian President Igor Dodon on Wednesday said that he will convene the country's Security Council after several localities passed statements backing Moldova's reunion with Romania.

"These actions take place on the backdrop of unprecedented campaigns carried out on Moldova's territory, denigrating the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Moldova, rejecting the concept of its statehood," Dodon wrote on his Facebook page.

The row began last week as neighbouring Romania marked the 159th anniversary of the Union of Romanian Principalities - the birthday of the modern Romanian state.

Seven local councils in Moldova - which was part of Romania between the two world wars - also passed votes backing reunion with Romania.

The gesture is considered symbolic and has no legal significance, but has aroused fears in some that it could become a trend in some areas of the country.

It comes as Romania also in 2018 marks the centenary of the "Great Unification" in 1918 of the Romanian kingdom with both Moldova - until then part of the Russian Empire - and the province of Transylvania, which had been part of Austria-Hungary until the Habsurg Empire fell apart.

Dodon's concern is that this symbolic gestures will be a trendsetter for the future in Moldova.

However, due to the increased poverty in Moldova, the number of citizens who want reunification with Romania is increasing year by year.

Surveys carried out in December 2017, released by IMAS and the Public Opinion Barometer, showed that about 23 per cent of Moldovans want reunification with Romania. 

Dodon said the Security Council should take a stance towards any actions undermining the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of...

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