Russia may Sell Missile Systems S-400 to the US

Russia can sell its C-400 Triumph C-400 missile systems to the United States if they want to do so. Such an opinion was expressed by the director of the Russian company Rosthech, the producer of the systems, Sergei Chemezov, in an interview with the US edition The Washington Post, FOCUS quoted TASS as saying.

"The C-400 is not an offensive but a defensive system. We can sell it to the Americans if they want you. From a strategic point of view, there are no obstacles to that. And I do not see any problems for Russia in terms of security, "Chemezov said, answering the question of what the reason was to sell the C-400 to Turkey from a strategic point of view.

He stressed that in "tense political conditions," the countries are trying to secure their defense, and "the demand for missile defense systems is great." "Many countries want to buy such systems and we have many orders. I'm not saying that we are not competing with the Americans, but, according to my information, our system is better, "said Rostech.

He reminded that Russia has signed an agreement with Turkey to supply the C-400. "We have already begun our production and we must begin delivering it in 2019. We are also in talks with Saudi Arabia, but there is no concrete solution for the time being, "Chemezov explained, refusing to name the other countries interested in the Russian VRC.

TASS recalls that the Triumph system was adopted in Russia in 2007. It is designed to destroy aviation, winged and ballistic missiles and is capable of striking targets in the near-space.

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