16 Turkish Women Sentenced to Death for Belonging to ISIL in Iraq

Source: Twitter

Sixteen Turkish women were sentenced to death in Iraq because membership in the Islamic State terrorist organization, Reuters and TASS reported, referring to the judiciary. The penalties are to be enforced by hanging.

The verdicts were issued by the Central Criminal Court in Baghdad after it was proven that the 16 Turkish women belonged to the Islamic State. The women have admitted that they have married members of the jihadist group or have provided logistical support to them or were involved in terrorist attacks.

Sentences can be appealed.

Thousands of foreigners fought in Syria and Iraq on the side of an "Islamic state" at least from 2014, reminds Reuters. Many women came or were brought from abroad in the territories under the control of the jihadist group.

About 1,700 women and children linked to an "Islamic state" surrendered or were captured in Iraq.

Last week, a Turkish woman was sentenced to death for membership in the terrorist organization.

In January, a German woman was sentenced to death on such charges. Last year a Russian fighter of the "Islamic State" was sentenced to death.

In December, the Iraqi authorities declared a full victory over the group, which captured nearly one-third of the country's territory in 2014.

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